Tang Base Event Memories
Tang Base Membership Meeting 15-FEB-2025
Tang Base Membership Meeting 19-JAN-2025
Tang Base Membership Meeting 16-NOV-2024
Tang Base Membership Meeting 24-AUGUST-2024
Tang Base Membership Picnic 25-MAY-2024
Tang Base Annual Submariner Memorial 20-APR-2024
Tang Base Membership Meeting 14-APR-2024
Traveling Dolphins 2023
Tang Base Raid on USS Sailfish Base to Capture the Traveling Dolphins
On Thursday 19 October Bob’s Raiders ventured south to Venice, FL to the USS Sailfish Base to capture the Traveling Dolphins and bring them north. Led by Base Commander, Bob Sommer, and supported by Dave Farrugia, SED5 Commander, Immediate Past Commander John Ranes, Long Island NY Base Commander and Tang Base member Bob Bachman, Jerry Anderson, Bob Brady, Art Jorgensen and Michael Ferranti we overwhelmed them with vast numbers and lots of witty repartee.
The base members were most welcoming and appreciative of our efforts to come down and spend the time with them. In addition to the Traveling Dolphins, we were presented with a Submarine Veteran USS Sailfish Base ballcap and a USS Sailfish Base Challenge coin. Unfortunately, with little time to spend, we were not able to regale them with sea stories. Great adventure and lots of fun. We are most appreciative of all the support and turnout from Tang Base to accomplish our mission.
Tang Base 4th Of July 2023 Event in Pinellas Park
On Tuesday the 4th of July, Tang Base members: Base Commander, Bob Sommer; Base Chaplain, Bill Ogburn; John Scheldt and Bob Brady with his wife Bernice, participated in the Kenneth City, FL 4th of July Festival. Chaplain Ogburn brought the Tang Model Submarine (always a favorite item for the kids), which garnered interest on the history of Tang’s demise. USS Tang SS-306 pamphlets were available to hand out to the visitors. We enjoyed talking with several veterans from the Army, Marine Corps and of course the U. S. Navy. Free hot dogs, chips, popcorn and drinks. Kenneth City Festival volunteers made sure we had plenty of water and drink so we could stay hydrated. The heat was brutal, but we aren’t fair weather sailors and did quite well.
On Tuesday the 4th of July, Tang Base members: Base Commander, Bob Sommer; Base Chaplain, Bill Ogburn; John Scheldt and Bob Brady with his wife Bernice, participated in the Kenneth City, FL 4th of July Festival. Chaplain Ogburn brought the Tang Model Submarine (always a favorite item for the kids), which garnered interest on the history of Tang’s demise. USS Tang SS-306 pamphlets were available to hand out to the visitors. We enjoyed talking with several veterans from the Army, Marine Corps and of course the U. S. Navy. Free hot dogs, chips, popcorn and drinks. Kenneth City Festival volunteers made sure we had plenty of water and drink so we could stay hydrated. The heat was brutal, but we aren’t fair weather sailors and did quite well.
Ray Dennis Memorial 10 Jul 21