Tang Base Guest Speakers

 23 July 2022 Membership Social Meeting - 

Patrick J. “PJ” Cook is a retired USAF Senior Master Sergeant Special Operations Aerial Gunner.  PJ has been a close friend of Bill Strand, Jr. Since 1973 when they met at Seminole High School.  PJ and Bill stayed in touch ever since and remain close friends today!   PJ served 22 and a half years in the Air Force with all but his first 2 years as an Aerial Gunner.  He started his career as a Weapons Mechanic on A-7D and A-10A Fighters. His flying consisted of over 4000 hours as an Aerial Gunner, Flight Instructor and Flight Examiner in various Special Operations Aircraft to include the AC-130H, AC-130A, MH-53H, MH-53J, CH-53A, CH-53C, HH-53B, HH-53C, HH-53H, NCH-53A, MH-60G, UH-60L, MH-47D, CH-47D, TDH-47D, UH-1N.  His last Combat duty was in Bosnia where he was a crew member on the first combat mission over Bosnia, August 29, 1995. 

PJ will speak on life as an Aerial Gunner on these various Aircraft over his career.

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