Tampa Bay Area Navy League Sea Cadets

For several years now, Tang Base has enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with the Tampa Bay Area Navy League Sea Cadets Program. We have tried to support them in many of their endeavors, such as purchasing a complete marching U.S. Flag and U. S. Navy Flag, poles and leather covers for the set of Flags. The Sea Cadets have been an integral part of our picnics and parades by providing their Color Guard and supporting our Annual Submarine Veterans Memorial Service by providing Sea Cadets to distribute the programs, assist in seating guests and two Sea Cadets to serve as Escorts for the Lady chosen to lay the Wreath at our Memorial Plaque.

In addition, Tang Base has on many occasions conducted training on submarine equipment, procedures and techniques using our Tang Model Submarine. The Sea Cadets acquire a unique perspective on submarine procedures and life from men who have served on submarines. Tang Base Leadership has attended several Navy League Sea Cadet Awards Ceremonies and events. Tang Base has been the recipient of the prestigious Tampa Bay Navy League Sea Cadet BOATWRIGHT AWARD for outstanding support of the Sea Cadets 3 consecutive years. Any of our members will gladly tell you how rewarding it is to be with the Sea Cadets and enjoy their inquiring and enthusiastic attitudes. 

For more information, please contact Bob Sommer, email- [email protected]

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