On 7 November 2022, Tang Base members, Base Commander, Bob Sommer; Immediate Past Commander, John Ranes; Base Chaplain Bill Ogburn and K4K Co-Chairman, Joel Grainger spoke to the entire Student Body at the Patricia Sullivan Partnership Elementary School, Tampa, FL. John Ranes and Bill Ogburn brought the Tang Base Model Submarine to the school. The children, Kindergarten through 5th Grade, came outside in two sessions and sat with us as we spoke to them. K4K Chairman John Ranes brought gift bags for the children.
Those children, whom we did not get to speak to in our last visit, received K4K caps, certificates and other memorabilia. The other children received puzzles and assorted gifts.The teaching sessions were centered on Veterans, Submarine service, the Tang model as well as the historical aspect of WWII USS Tang SS-306. The children thanked us for our service and for visiting with them. They sent thank you notes back with us for Tang Base members to see. This was an outstanding experience for us to be with those children, especially during Veterans Day week.
Bob Sommer, Commander, Tang Base of USSVI
The goal of the Kap(S) 4 Kid(S) Program is to bring comfort and joy to Children battling challenging medical conditions.
Local chapters (Bases) voluntarily do this by making these children Honorary Submariners; giving them Caring Attention, Honorary Submariner Kaps, Honorary Submariner Certificates, photos of Submarines signed by Sub Vets, K4K Wristbands, and K4K Temporary Tattoos during visits.
Please click on the K4K Video link below to learn:
How & Why the Program Works...
plus a Montage of Submarine action and activities that we show during our visits.
A good way to support this program is to contact John Ranes, Tang Base Tampa Bay Commander and Kap(SS) 4 Kid(SS) Fund Chairman, who will provide you with the needed information.
EMAIL: John Ranes [email protected] for more information.